$30 | Wallet App - Mobile UI Kits - Detailed Money Tracker Wallet App iOS UI Design System

Featured #Fintech - Banking, cards, e-Wallet | Figma UI Kits with Modern and Minimalist Style
Live view in Figma


Design tools
Figma & more...
Built-in design system (YES!)
Organized layers, file named, grouped & well organized
Best for
E-Wallet, Money Management, Financial Technology, Payment... designs
Easy to use (YES!)
Drag & drop components, abundant prebuilt design concepts, and various layout options to create a POC with more than 20 professional screens after only 1 hour
Comprehensive graphic library for cross-platform projects with thousands of screens by the latest design trends that will not be out-date in the next five years
Free font (YES!)
Free amazing fonts family (Google & more...)
Free resources (YES)
169 MB
Uploaded by
Mick Champayne


Wallet App - Mobile UI Kits is designed to perfectly fit with IOS Design System.
This set will be very useful for Designers, Developers and Startups to enhance your UI design process.

The Wallet App is suitable for:
- Tracking users expense, income
- Visualize money flow in week, month, year
- Wallet dashboard,.. and many more.

This kits contain 80+ screens with customable components and organized layout to help you optimize your own app, match it with your potential customers and bring you the revenue