$32 | Cyber Bank App UI Kit - Minimalist & clean style... +160 premium screens

#Fintech - Banking, cards, e-Wallet | Figma UI Kits with Modern and Minimalist Style
Live view in Figma


Premium screens
Built-in design system
Bank design
E-Wallet, Money Management, Financial Technology, Payment
Easy to POC
drag & drop components, abundant prebuilt design concepts, and various layout options to create a POC with more than 20 professional screens after only 1 hour
Big project
comprehensive graphic library for cross-platform projects with thousands of screens by the latest design trends that will not be out-date in the next five years
Download free (YES)
4.99 MB
Uploaded by
Mick Champayne


Cyber Bank App UI Kit (4 styles) is a UI Kit used to support the design of applications for finance, banking, e-wallets, financial planning, ...

All symbols and objects are designed in a completely vector based manner, which is easy to customize and use.

We have spent hundreds of hours creating Components, Symbols, Text Style, etc. So it takes just a few steps to create a design screen of your own.

Google Fonts is used for easy customization.
We will update continuously to improve, modify and update this UI Kit according to the design trend.

We have created four design styles. For each style, it takes only a few dozen minutes to create a new design style from this UI Kit, so we appreciate that this UI Kit is extremely easy to customize, edit and use for your own use.