$55 | Deeper Wallet - 240+ beautiful unique screens (Dark + Light)

Featured #Fintech - Banking, cards, e-Wallet | Figma UI Kits with Modern and Minimalist Style
Live view in Figma


Design tools
Figma & more...
Built-in design system (YES!)
Organized layers, file named, grouped & well organized
Best for
E-Wallet, Money Management, Financial Technology, Payment... designs
Easy to use (YES!)
Drag & drop components, abundant prebuilt design concepts, and various layout options to create a POC with more than 20 professional screens after only 1 hour
Comprehensive graphic library for cross-platform projects with thousands of screens by the latest design trends that will not be out-date in the next five years
Free font (YES!)
Free amazing fonts family (Google & more...)
Free resources (YES)
277 MB
Uploaded by
Mick Champayne


Deeper Wallet is a modern, clean and very detailed UI kit for iOS and Android apps. We designed 240+ beautiful unique screens for your mobile app. All symbols and objects are vector based and easily editable. We used free Google Font as well as free embedded icon font that you can easily replace.

Using this UI kit you can design these Fintech apps like Corporate banking products | Individual banking | Personal wallets | Cryptocurrency Wallets each of the sections has its own unique elements, screens, and features.